Category Archives: Health and Wellness


Vaccines, A Safer Way

The following helpful recommendations are to make vaccines safer for you and your family*.They should always be reviewed by a qualified health care…
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The Importance Of Minerals For Children

Minerals for children are important for their health. This article explains why you may need supplements. Because vitamins and minerals are not produced…
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Why and How to Detox Your Body from Harmful Chemicals

We are born with chemicals from our parents, and we are then exposed to attack from chemicals through the lungs, mouth, intestines, and…
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There are two triads of supplements that we recommend for patients that are not infected and for those who have started with symptoms…
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Immune Formula vs. Family Daily Defense

We often get asked by my patients and customers about the difference between and proper use of Dr. Rydland’s Immune Formula and Family…
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CORONAVIRUS 2019/2020 (COVID-19)

The latest widespread outbreak of coronavirus has received widespread reports from the media and has been both a major media event and political…
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2017-2018 Influenza Recommendations

The 2017-2018 influenza season has shaped up to be one of the more severe on record. Additionally, the influenza vaccine has been only…
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Children’s Fever Management

Eric N. Rydland, M.D., Board Certified Pediatrician Fever is your child’s natural response to many common illnesses and conditions. Most commonly, a bacteria…
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Vaccine Preparation

Pediatrician Dr. Eric Rydland, M.D. Childhood vaccines have a tendency to stress many of the body’s systems, which we believe is the reason…
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Children’s Diet For Basic Health And Restoration

Pediatrician Dr. Eric Rydland, M.D. NOTE: Foods that have been eliminated or restricted on this diet have been shown to prevent optimal health.…
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